I’m usually engaged by your organisation to support you in the next phase of your growth but do work with individuals directly too. Based in London, I can meet in person at your office or a convenient location for us both or we can work together on-line – or a mixture of the two. Typically we’ll meet roughly monthly for about six months, but with the possibility of support between those meetings. But I hope you’ll always feel that I’m right behind you!
If you’d like to discuss how we might work together, please do make contact – I’m always happy to explore possibilities.
Leadership is a state of being, not a verb. Leadership comes from integrating all those different parts of ourselves and connecting to a deeper inner wisdom which is always with us but not always accessible. Coaching at its best is a transformational process, unlocking that knowing; it is not about overcoming or changing but integrating and synthesising.
Leadership Coaching holds that potential while supporting the unlocking and the accessing until you're ready to own it for yourself.

The “father of leadership coaching”, Sir John Whitmore, underpinned all of his ground-breaking work on the foundations of psychosynthesis – a holistic and transpersonal psychology. A psychology for self-actualisation and a philosophy for living. No coach and few leaders haven’t come across his seminal book Coaching for Performance : GROWing human potential and purpose – his GROW model.
Psychosynthesis is simply one model of considering the whole person – the physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual aspects of being a human being. It takes into account that sense we often have of being part of something, and starts from the premise that we all have the potential to move past and grow from challenges; to shift unhelpful mindsets, behaviours, beliefs – that those parts of ourself that get in our own way are ultimately resolvable.
Perfectly suited to coaching, psychosynthesis has expanded from its therapeutic application in recent years and meets the increasingly “volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous” – and frankly messy – challenges that it is to be a human in the twenty first century.
The Psychosynthesis Trust is a leading psychosynthesis training organisation. We offer professional training, personal development courses and counselling and psychotherapy to people who want to learn more about themselves and how they can support others.
Our purpose is to reveal wholeness through helping people to awaken to who they really are.
What We May Be, Piero Ferrucci
Psychosynthesis Leadership Coaching, Aubyn Howard
FT Guide Business Coaching, Anne Scoular
Coaching for Performance, John Whitmore
Five Dimensions of Leadership, Roger Evans
Disrupted!, Chris Nichols and Philippa Hardman